BCON successfully supports
companies within the context of


In view of global climate change, the issue of sustainability is gaining crucial importance. One answer to this problem is provided by the Paris climate protection agreement and the Green Deal drawn up by the EU, which envisages a reduction of 55% in greenhouse gas emissions compared with 1990 levels by 2030.

Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, müssen vielschichtige Maßnahmen, wie bspw. aus den Bereichen Mobilität, Immobilien und Energiewirtschaft, ergriffen werden. For this reason, the government is increasingly holding companies accountable and requiring them to implement more sustainability in the areas of environment, social and corporate governance (ESG) as part of their reporting obligations.

Accordingly, many companies are faced with the challenge of identifying and implementing the right sustainability measures and carrying out proper sustainability reporting.

Competence, implementation approach and experience are unique!

BCON has been providing long-standing, international, and successful support to companies in sustainability optimization, for example in the areas of ESG and energy consulting. We have unique lessons learned and best practices in all relevant areas.

Publications about sustainability

How we can support you

Holistic approach from A to Z

Corporate strategy

Repositioning towards ongoing economic transformation

Project and rollout management

Agile and international implementation

Sales and marketing concepts

Innovative and digital solutions

Market and competitive analyses

Efficient conduct of comparative analyses and Benchmarking

Process optimization

Ensuring digital and efficient processes

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