Electromobility: high targets, high need for action

A comprehensive e-mobility strategy is necessary to ensure a charging infrastructure that meets demand

The German government plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 65 per cent (compared to 1990) by 2030. Road transport is one of the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases in Germany and is therefore an important factor on the road to climate neutrality.

For this reason, the German government wants to improve the conditions for climate-friendly e-mobility.

One million charging points are to be installed in Germany by 2030 in order to supply the increasing number of electric vehicles.

Where do we currently stand and is the government’s goal even realistic?

In August 2022, a total of 72,816 charging points were in operation in Germany. Of these, 60,571 are normal charging points and 12,245 are fast charging points. In August 2023, the number of charging points was increased to 101,421.

Assuming the same annual increase of 28,605 charging points in Germany, only 301,656 charging points will have been implemented by 2030. It can be assumed that the target of one million charging points cannot be achieved even by increasing the number of charging points implemented each year through more efficient processes and additional providers.

The rapidly increasing share of BEVs (Battery Electric Vehicles) and the slow development of new charging points highlight the immense need for action in the context of charging infrastructure planning and implementation. Companies need to act quickly with a comprehensive e-mobility strategy so that they can serve their customers with a sufficient infrastructure.

Find out more about e-mobility and our consulting services.

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